Kerala Tapioca Chips​

Kerala Tapioca Chips

Tapioca Chips are one of the favorite snack foods of Kerala, made from thin wafers of deep-fried cassava root. Cassava plants are the most common plant in Kerala households, which is in almost all houses in Kerala, we can see Cassava plants.  It is a crunchy and flavorful snack food because of its crispiness. The Tapioca chips are crunchier compared to banana chips and potato chips. It is also a bulk commodity product that is produced and traded.

The Chips are prepared using raw cassava tubers, whereby the inner rind and outer skin are removed. The chips are then fried and deep-fried in coconut oil, salted, and spiced with Red Chilli powder. Even without using preservatives, Tapioca chips have a longer shelf life compared to raw cassava tubers. Pack the chips on the same day of production will retain its freshness and taste.

  • Cassava Root/ Tapioca Root 
  • Salt 
  • Red Chilli Powder
  • Coconut Oil
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